Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), nicknamed "The Dude", is a middle-aged scum who does nothing. His biggest pastime all day is bowling with two equally incompetent friends, Walter (John Goodman) and Donny (Steve Buscemi). One day, a group of thugs mistook him for the millionaire with the same name in the city and threatened him, and urinated on his carpet before leaving. The Dude, who suffered losses for no reason, had to run to the rich man (David Huddleston) for compensation. After failing, he stole a carpet from the rich man on his own initiative. A few days later, the rich man asked the Dude for help again. Because his young wife Bonnie (Tara Reid) was kidnapped, the Dude was asked to help send the ransom to the kidnappers, and he and his two friends were involved in a ridiculous crime...