Will (Henry Cavill), a young businessman who runs a company on Wall Street, took time out of his busy schedule and flew to a seaside town in Spain to spend a vacation with his family. After many years, he reunited with his father Martin (Bruce Willis), his mother, his younger brother Josh (Rafi Gavron) and his girlfriend Darla (Emma Hamilton). The family sat around the dining table, enjoying themselves. But the peaceful atmosphere was soon destroyed when Will received a call that the company had gone bankrupt. He was in a very bad mood, and his relationship with his family became strained. Darla was accidentally injured during the voyage, and when Will went to the town to buy medicine, his family who stayed on the ship were kidnapped. Anxious Will had no one to trust in the local area, so he searched for his family's whereabouts alone, and in the process he discovered many secrets about his father and the incident...