This drama is adapted from the novel and manga of the same name. It tells the story of the daughter of a family with a history of more than a thousand years in Kyoto, Yuuki Rio (played by Hayashi), who entered into a loveless political marriage with a stranger at the age of 16. Her husband is the handsome IT company president Takamine Masatomo (played by Inukai). She receives 50 million yen every birthday. It can be said that the relationship between the two is just "money". They don't know each other and have nothing to say. One day after 10 years, Rio decided to go to Kyoto and said to her husband who she met for the first time: "Hello, please divorce me." However, her husband Takamine was unexpectedly attracted to his wife who he met for the first time and announced that he would "not divorce". An unprecedented love offensive and defensive battle broke out between the wife who "wanted to divorce" as soon as possible and the husband who "didn't want to divorce".